Thursday, September 26, 2013

A Dying Breed

"What do you do all day."

I cannot tell you how many times I have been asked this question or had this question implied in different phrasing. To be honest it is rather easy to become offended by such a question as if the author of these words is hinting at something. However, I have been thinking about this a lot tonight and I have come up with a different conclusion as to the reason for such a question. I am a dying breed!

That's right! I am currently part of a breed of humans that is dying off. I am a full-time homemaker (aka housewife, stay-at-home-mom). This occupation was once prevalent among women but has become more unique as time has progressed. So I suppose it is natural that people are curious about
what I do all day. 

So my goal for this blog is to answer the question of what I do all day for those of you who wonder and to provide support for those of you who are also a part of the dying breed.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Our Adventure Thus Far


Growing up Halloween was always a really fun holiday in the Cook household. Mom decorated the house and always made the holiday a fun experience, especially with our annual trip to see the Mr. Werewolf. This year we decided to start off our celebration by making a batch of sugar cookies. 

This is the very first pumpkin we ever carved together. I would love to say that it was a masterpiece but...

We decided to go with the traditional Jack-O-Lantern.

 This is our pumpkins twin.
 We carved him after eating his brains out during our annual Pumpkin Dinner at Mom and Dad's.

The First Snowfall
of the Season!!

That right. We made snow Angels!!

This is our snowman. He stuck around for quite some time even after the snow had melted away.
I think he finally met his end when the maintenance man bashed him to pieces
in order to make him melt faster.
Chinese Dinner 

The Holidays

Setting Up the Christmas Tree
Yep, it is the middle of November and we are setting up the Christmas tree.
 Please don't judge.  

Levi pricked his finger while stringing popcorn.
Silly Levi
 Thanksgiving in Utah

Heather's 21st Birthday

The night before my birthday I was banished to our bedroom for the remainder of the evening
while Levi worked out in the front room. This is what I woke up to!

Gingerbread Houses

Notice that Heather's house is all finished and Levi has just
started to decorate his.

All Finished

Our First Christmas

R Mountain
Don't be fooled by the fact that we do not have coats on and there is no snow. It is in fact the end of December in Rexburg, Idaho. 
 Levi in his natural surroundings.  

Is it me just me, or does this rock look like a heart?
 Ice Skating

 Ice Fishing
Heather was walking across the iced over pond at the Nature Park stomping on the areas where the ice seamed thin
just to see if it would break. Okay, and maybe her actions may have been furthered by the joy of to watching Levi squirm as he stressed about the idea of her falling in.
Heather has the tendency to be Levi's antagonist at times and this seemed like just another one of those times. However, she soon became his hero when she discovered, after almost falling into it, an ice fishing hole. Levi quickly rushed home to get his pole so he could put and end to his fishing drought and to prove to Heather he really was the fisherman he claimed to be.
Above is the proof of his success.

President's Day Weekend

For President's Day weekend Levi's whole family got together at his sister Alisha's house in Utah. This was the first time we had seen everyone since the wedding and we had so much fun catching up

St. Patrick's Day

Once upon a time Heather Graduated!!! 


 When Levi got home from work he was surprised to find and Easter Egg sitting in a random spot in the apartment. He soon realized that there were more and the hunt was on. He found every single one.


We saw a whole heard of Elk!

This big guy was sitting right next to the road. I am pretty
sure I could have reached out the window and pet him.
Big Springs 
We stopped by Big Springs on the way home from Yellowstone. I am pretty
sure Levi got more excited about seeing this little guy and the fish then he did about
all of the other animals in the park.
FYI: Levi never actually threw this snowball at me. This is all for show. However, he probably had every right
to throw it at me if he had wanted to due to the fact I and just smacked him right in the rear with a snowball
a few minutes earlier.
 Movie Night
We had never actually been to a movie in the movie theatre together before so this was the night.
It might seem rather random that we found this worth mentioning; however, let me explain. We got to the movie a little late so we figured we would just miss the previews. When we got the counter they informed us that the movie had not started on time so it would be starting in a few minutes.
What luck!
We picked which seats we wanted, got our tickets, and went to our theatre. When we walked in we were socked at what we saw. Obviously we had missed some memo that the cool place to be was in the theatre next door because our theatre was completely empty. Not a single person was in there. So Levi and I had the theatre completely to ourselves.

Levi's 23rd Birthday


Camping But Not Really
Levi usually has to work late on Fridays and Saturdays so that does not leave
much opportunity to go on dates either of those night. We have been wanting to go camping
but with school and work there isn't much time for that. As a result I planned an evening in the middle of the week where we roasted marshmallows and fished and did all of that fun
 camping stuff but then
we packed up and went home to sleep.  

Okay, so I am 21 and I have never fished before. Of course Levi could not let this
be the case for too long. Otherwise I may be a disgrace to the family. This was my third
attempt at fishing but the first fish I caught. Levi told me that when I caught a fish I
was going to have to hold it up. Well... this was as close as I got to it.
I had told Levi I wanted to catch a BIG fish. So to make up for the lack of size of the fish
he told me he would just zoom in really close.

Levi, Does This Dress Make Me Look Fat?
If I were to ask Levi this question right now he would probably smile and say, "Yep!"
Levi could not be happier about the fact that we are expecting a little boy in NOVEMBER!!!!